What Not to Feed Your Dog this Christmas

What Not to Feed Your Dog this Christmas

As much as we adore sharing moments and treats with our furry companions, some human foods can be harmful or even toxic to our dogs. Understanding what to avoid can safeguard their health and happiness.


Forbidden Foods:


  1. Chocolate: Contains theobromine, causing vomiting, diarrhoea, and potentially lethal effects on the heart and nervous system.


  1. Grapes and Raisins:* Lead to kidney failure, resulting in vomiting, lethargy, and decreased urination.


  1. Onions and Garlic: Contain compounds that damage a dog's red blood cells, leading to anaemia and digestive issues.


  1. Xylitol: Found in sugar-free gum and some peanut butters and sweets, causes a rapid release of insulin, leading to low blood sugar and potential liver failure.


Safe Alternatives:


  1. Lickimats: Spread dog-safe alternatives like unsweetened peanut butter, mashed pumpkin, or plain yogurt on a lickimat for a safe and enjoyable treat. In summer you can freeze them for a nice cool snack. Check out our previous article with lots of tips on lickmats here: https://www.mypetstoresa.co.za/blogs/my-pet-store-blog/scrumptious-recipes-for-lickimats-a-treat-for-your-furry-friend


  1. Kongs: Stuffed KONGS are a great treat for avid chewers, and can be stuffed with kibble, treats, xylitol free peanut butter, yoghurt or mashed vegetables.


  1. Raw vegetables and fruit: These are crunchy and healthy snacks that dogs love and are rich in vitamins. Slice them up for a satisfying chew. You can use vegetables like carrots, cucumber and broccoli, and fruit like blueberries and apples.


  1. Cooked Chicken or Turkey: Plain, boneless, and skinless cooked meats make for a protein-packed treat. Be sure to use small pieces of these as treats, not as a meal as the fat content can be high.


  1. Plain Popcorn: Skip the butter and salt; plain air-popped popcorn can be a low-calorie and enjoyable snack.


Why It Matters:


Even small amounts of these forbidden foods can lead to severe health issues in dogs. Toxic reactions may vary based on a dog's breed, size, and individual sensitivities. Always consult your vet if you suspect your dog has ingested something harmful.


By knowing what foods to avoid and offering safe alternatives, we prioritize our pet's well-being while still indulging their taste buds. Let's keep our furry friends healthy and happy by choosing their treats wisely!


Remember, when in doubt, it's best to stick to specially formulated dog treats or consult your vet for guidance on safe and enjoyable snacks for your beloved canine companions.

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